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Elanor Palmer Trust

Plot One - The Access Project has seen the Eleanor Palmer Trust welcomed to the site, and the development of the associated facilities on Plot One. This has included all of the garden works in preparation of the plot including the unsightly removal of dumped waste. The EPT summerhouse, greenhouse, seating area, raised beds and meshed pathways on Plot One were all part of the project, with elements of the works contributed to by BHAS volunteer sessions



As part of the BHAS Accessibility Project, the recent works on the SENSE access paths has completed a link path from the car park to the SENSE plot, a path from the plot to the toilet facilities and paths to a seating area. All created to ensure wheelchairs and assisted walking get about the plot and have a place to sit - both inside and outside.

Accessibility Project


​​​Over the past 18 months we have engaged in a number of projects with the objective of enhancing the enjoyment of allotmenteering for all of our members. This is a journey towards not only energizing our allotment site but championing the spirit of BHAS plot holders for the greater good of the community. The BHAS committee has been dedicated to making this vision a reality, ensuring the benefits of the Accessibility Project will be enjoyed by both current and future generations of Barnet.


Together, we are not just preserving Bells Hill Allotment for future generations, we are building opportunity and a legacy of communal wellbeing. As we move forward, our focus will shift to attracting other forward thinking Trusts or charity groups who share our vision for a healthier, vibrant society for those less able or advantaged.


The Committee are exceptionally proud of the efforts of BHAS membership over the last 18 months to deliver the phases of the Accessibility Project, completing works with several hundred BHAS volunteer hours, external funding, BHAS fund raising events and BHAS membership contribution. The Committee felt the aims of the Project are worthy and a beacon of how allotments, leisure and communal wellbeing are valued in Barnet.


The BHAS Trading Hut

The BHAS Trading Hut has been renovated, with works including a new kitchen area, painting and decoration, removal of stores and equipment to a secure security shed all creating a welcoming environment for plot holders to gather for tea and coffee. To the rear of the Hut external doors were installed. These doors facilitate access to the rear seating area and allow the SENSE team easy entrance to the Hut. And last year, the ladies toilet was reconfigured to a more accessible toilet for those less mobile - including walker frames and wheelchair uses.

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